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Showing posts from October, 2018

Pumpkins Everywhere!

The staff at Accent Dental like to have a little friendly competition every now and again. This fall, we decided there's no better way to celebrate the season than a No-Carve Pumpkin Contest! The team used their best creative skills to decorate a pumpkin without actually carving like a traditional jack-o-lantern. Eckert's Country Store and Farm was kind enough to provide two gift certificates for cooking classes to the winners. Our doctors also upped the stakes with gift cards in addition to the cooking classes! Winners to be announced on Monday... Wish Us Luck! Which is your favorite pumpkin? 

Give Kids A Smile hosted by Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Dental Medicine

Give Kids A Smile Day October 8, 2018 SIUE School of Dental Medicine One of our amazing doctors, Dr. Kosten, is an assistant professor and the director of community dentistry at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Dental Medicine. Every year, Dr. Kosten and the students/staff at the SDM host Give Kids A Smile Day, sponsored by the American Dental Association. Give Kids A Smile is organized to provide free dental treatment to underserved children, and to promote community awareness about the needs for dental treatment.  Dr. Kosten says: “Our annual Columbus Day event provides a wonderful opportunity to provide treatment to hundreds of children. The holiday affords those needing urgent dental care to come see us. Children have their dental concerns addressed and have some fun at the same time.” Dr. Naegler and Dr. Todd, along with our wonderful team of assistants, provided dental treatment to children who were more apprehensive...our specialty...